Latest content: Sport

26 March 2025 to 26 March 2025
The Commonwealth Secretariat, in partnership with the Commonwealth Games Federation will host the 9th annual Commonwealth Debate on Sport and Sustainable Development on 26 March 2025. 

The debate will commemorate the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, which takes place annually on the 6th of April. Each year, the event offers a platform for Commonwealth ministers, senior government officials, high commissioners, athletes, academics, sports advocates, representatives from Commonwealth accredited organisations, and young people to discuss sport-related issues. 
This discussion paper focuses on the response of the sport sector during the COVID-19 pandemic and the policy options for increasing sport investment and achieve sustainable growth.

A questionnaire was distributed to sport stakeholders from around the Commonwealth and the results are presented in various sections of this paper. These results are accompanied by an analysis of what were previously new developments in online sport (delivery, eSports and gambling), social issues and human rights, and finally proposals for financing sport in the context of sustainable development. It is underlined that sport is a sector that can help effectively generate employment and promote economic convergence among countries or regions.
Read publication - Resourcing Sport's Contribution to Sustainable Development and the Coronavirus Recovery
The Commonwealth Secretariat, in partnership with UNESCO, has previewed a global report containing new data on the contribution of sport to sustainable development, with key metrics on worldwide activity levels, provision of physical activity in schools, gender and investment in sporting provision.
Read news - 'Investment in sport can be a catalyst for transformation': Commonwealth Secretary-General launches policy paper on first global sport impact report