The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) celebrated its 65th anniversary at the annual Connect and Collaborate event at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in London. Since 1960, the CSC has funded over 31,000 people from across the Commonwealth to study at UK universities.
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Commonwealth Scholar makes big impact in sport for development
26 March 2025 to 26 March 2025
The Commonwealth Secretariat, in partnership with the Commonwealth Games Federation will host the 9th annual Commonwealth Debate on Sport and Sustainable Development on 26 March 2025.
The debate will commemorate the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, which takes place annually on the 6th of April. Each year, the event offers a platform for Commonwealth ministers, senior government officials, high commissioners, athletes, academics, sports advocates, representatives from Commonwealth accredited organisations, and young people to discuss sport-related issues.
The debate will commemorate the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, which takes place annually on the 6th of April. Each year, the event offers a platform for Commonwealth ministers, senior government officials, high commissioners, athletes, academics, sports advocates, representatives from Commonwealth accredited organisations, and young people to discuss sport-related issues.
Following is the Commonwealth Secretary-General’s, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, statement for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, observed on 3 December.
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Commonwealth Secretary-General’s statement on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Sport changes lives. It widens the spectrum of opportunities and leads to achievements that unite people. Above all, it leads to better health and human development.
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Time to reset the sport movement for fairer wealth creation
Anne was a healthy and energetic two-year-old when polio struck, confining her to a wheelchair. By the time Anne turned six, she and her family had moved from the Mihuu community in Kenya, where she was born, to Nairobi, the capital. This was when she learnt she was different and would be ostracised for just being that way.
Anne was a healthy and energetic two-year-old when polio struck, confining her to a wheelchair. By the time Anne turned six, she and her family had moved from the Mihuu community in Kenya, where she was born, to Nairobi, the capital. This was when she learnt she was different and would be ostracised for just being that way.
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A Paralympian levels the playing field for an all-inclusive Commonwealth
Water doesn't always seem forceful. Generally, we think of babbling brooks and calm seas, but even gentle water wears down rocks and can sweep away whole houses in a storm. Similarly, 21-year-old Maya Kirti Nanan does not seem like a force of nature at first glance, but she is already gaining international attention and changing thousands of lives with her work.
The Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, and the Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Youth Programme, Rana Mashood Ahmad Khan, announced three new initiatives, designed to broaden and deepen youth participation in development and decision-making.
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Commonwealth Secretary-General concludes first Pakistan visit with new youth initiatives
The 11th Commonwealth Sports Ministers Meeting (CSMM) concluded on 25 July in Paris with a resounding call for greater inclusion and protection of vulnerable persons in sports.
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Commonwealth ministers unite to champion inclusion and equality in sports
Commonwealth sports ministers, senior government officials and other stakeholders met in Paris to pave the way forward for inclusive and cooperative societies by harnessing the power of sport.
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Commonwealth ministers to leverage sport to drive forward development priorities
With the 11th Commonwealth Sports Minister Meeting (11CSMM) set to happen 25 July 2024 in Paris, France, the Commonwealth Secretariat will seek to take further the commitments made at the 10CSMM particularly within key cross-cutting areas like inclusion, youth development, health, education, enterprise and capacity building.
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Blog: Game Changers - Using sports to drive sustainable development
On 25 July, sports ministers from the 56 member countries of the Commonwealth, along with partner organisations, civil society and policymakers will gather for the Commonwealth Sports Ministers Meeting in Paris, France.
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Commonwealth ministers to meet in Paris to advocate inclusion for all in sports
Seven years ago, 18-year-old Friana Kwevira, a woman with a disability from Vanuatu, attended a coaching session organised by the Commonwealth Games Foundation. It was an experience unlike any other for Friana, who described it as the first time she felt treated like a human being.
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Behind medals: Inspiring stories of women with disabilities reveal difference opportunities can make
3 July 2024 to 3 July 2024
(BST - British Summer Time)
The Commonwealth is hosting a high-level panel discussion titled "Empowering Women: Disability and Inclusion in Diplomacy through Sport" on 3 July 2024.
Commonwealth governments will convene in Paris, France, for the 11th Commonwealth Sports Ministers Meeting (11CSMM) from 24-25 July 2024 to advance Commonwealth consensus and cooperation on key sports policy and practice issues.
Op-ed by Anne Wafula Strike MBE, PLY
It's the first day of the Olympics in 2040. The awe-inspiring spectacle of the opening ceremony has given way to lined tracks encircled by packed arenas waiting for the 100-meter dash to begin.
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Op-ed: Why we need to embrace AI in sport
It's the first day of the Olympics in 2040. The awe-inspiring spectacle of the opening ceremony has given way to lined tracks encircled by packed arenas waiting for the 100-meter dash to begin.
If the world is to stay on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, then artificial intelligence (AI) in sports can be harnessed and leveraged to meet those goals faster.
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AI in sport can help accelerate SDGs - Commonwealth Debate concludes
24 July 2024 to 25 July 2024
Commonwealth governments will convene in Paris, France, for the 11th Commonwealth Sports Ministers Meeting (11CSMM) from 24-25 July 2024 to advance Commonwealth consensus and cooperation on key sports policy and practice issues.
The integration of AI into the sports sector has influenced everything from decision-making processes among coaches and athletes to enhancing fan engagement.
By Dr Radika Kumar, Adviser, Artificial Intelligence and Transformative Technology
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Blog: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in the Sports Industry: Opportunities and Challenges for the Commonwealth
By Dr Radika Kumar, Adviser, Artificial Intelligence and Transformative Technology
26 March 2024 to 26 March 2024
The Commonwealth Secretariat, in partnership with the Sport for Development Coalition, will host the 8th annual Commonwealth Debate on Sport and Sustainable Development on 26 March 2024.
Sport is one of the things that binds the people of the Commonwealth together and it is often seen as a tremendous source of pride.
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New languages available for Commonwealth sport for development course
This discussion paper focuses on the response of the sport sector during the COVID-19 pandemic and the policy options for increasing sport investment and achieve sustainable growth.
A questionnaire was distributed to sport stakeholders from around the Commonwealth and the results are presented in various sections of this paper. These results are accompanied by an analysis of what were previously new developments in online sport (delivery, eSports and gambling), social issues and human rights, and finally proposals for financing sport in the context of sustainable development. It is underlined that sport is a sector that can help effectively generate employment and promote economic convergence among countries or regions.
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Resourcing Sport's Contribution to Sustainable Development and the Coronavirus Recovery
A questionnaire was distributed to sport stakeholders from around the Commonwealth and the results are presented in various sections of this paper. These results are accompanied by an analysis of what were previously new developments in online sport (delivery, eSports and gambling), social issues and human rights, and finally proposals for financing sport in the context of sustainable development. It is underlined that sport is a sector that can help effectively generate employment and promote economic convergence among countries or regions.
By Dr Lin Sambili-Gicheha, Project Manager, Sport for Development and Peace
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Blog: Access to Safe Sport is a legislative priority for protecting children and youth across the Commonwealth
With days to go before the seventh Commonwealth Youth Games, Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, praised Trinidad and Tobago for the work that has been done in preparation for the Games.
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Commonwealth Secretary-General is in Trinidad and Tobago for the Commonwealth Youth Games
The Commonwealth Secretariat, in partnership with UNESCO, has previewed a global report containing new data on the contribution of sport to sustainable development, with key metrics on worldwide activity levels, provision of physical activity in schools, gender and investment in sporting provision.
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'Investment in sport can be a catalyst for transformation': Commonwealth Secretary-General launches policy paper on first global sport impact report