Angola Foreign Minister visits Commonwealth Secretariat

21 February 2012

Dr Georges Chikoti explores areas of possible partnership

The Foreign Minister of Angola, Dr Georges Chikoti, visited Marlborough House - the headquarters of the Commonwealth Secretariat in London - on 21 February 2012 to learn about the organisation and explore areas of possible partnership.

Dr Chikoti was received by Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba. Mrs Masire-Mwamba briefed the minister about the fundamental values and principles of democracy, good governance and development that guide the work of the organisation.

Dr Chikoti said he was pleased with the range of work the Commonwealth is involved in and said for a country like Angola, which is emerging from decades of conflict, it is keen to learn from the experiences of other countries - and that he saw good examples in the Commonwealth membership.