The Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, and Founder and Chairman of the Khalili Foundation, Professor Sir Nasser David Khalili, have congratulated the joint winners of the first Commonwealth Peace Prize, Rev Dr James Movel Wuye and Imam Dr Muhammad Nurayn Ashafa.
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Inaugural Commonwealth Peace Prize winners from Nigeria lauded for their contributions
Main page for this area of work
10 March 2025 to 10 March 2025
The winners of the inaugural Commonwealth Peace Prize, Rev Dr James Movel Wuye and Imam Dr Muhammad Nurayn Ashafa, will receive their award on 10 March 2025 during the reception to celebrate Commonwealth Day.
The Commonwealth Secretariat is deepening its partnership with the CARICOM Secretariat on youth mainstreaming and youth statistics.
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Championing a data-driven approach to youth development in the Caribbean
As we recognise January as Cervical Cancer Awareness month, a recent report from the Commonwealth Secretariat and TogetHER for Health illustrates a vital path towards eliminating cervical cancer in Commonwealth countries.
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New report shows how Commonwealth countries are advancing cervical cancer elimination
Disability was no barrier for a member of the Commonwealth group observing the recent Ghana election.
Grace Jerry, who uses a wheelchair, brought her keen perspective as a person with disability to the role, with the vision of “Barrier-Free Democracy” - universally accessible voting processes, with no physical, informational, or social impediments.
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Accessibility and inclusion advocate brings disability insight to Commonwealth Observer Group’s Ghana election mission
Grace Jerry, who uses a wheelchair, brought her keen perspective as a person with disability to the role, with the vision of “Barrier-Free Democracy” - universally accessible voting processes, with no physical, informational, or social impediments.
Over 20 Commonwealth election professionals have sharpened their skills following a five-day training course in Fiji, designed to strengthen electoral integrity and inclusion in the Pacific.
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Fiji hosts “transformative” conversation for election management professionals
Following is the Commonwealth Secretary-General’s, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, statement for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, observed on 3 December.
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Commonwealth Secretary-General’s statement on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
A new report, Ageing Well in the Commonwealth: A Roadmap for Healthy Ageing Across the Life Course, launched at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa, indicates the urgent need to promote holistic wellness at all stages of life.
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Commonwealth Secretariat spotlights ageing well at CHOGM event
“Voices of the Commonwealth” is a series dedicated to capturing these powerful narratives, showcasing the indomitable spirit that unites diverse regions under a shared banner.
This roadmap establishes a framework for how Commonwealth member countries can promote healthy ageing across the life-course for all citizens, and address the current and future challenges arising from ageing populations. It offers recommendations that aim to align policies and foster collaboration between government bodies, businesses and civil society, and provides an overview of tried-and-tested solutions that can be adapted to the unique needs of each country.
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Ageing Well in the Commonwealth: A Roadmap for Healthy Ageing
The Commonwealth Secretariat and the Khalili Foundation have launched the Commonwealth Peace Prize, which aims to reward excellence in peacebuilding and celebrate long-serving standard-bearers who are also role models for young people.
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A Prize for Peace: Commonwealth Secretariat and Khalili Foundation announce new award
The Commonwealth Peace Prize will be awarded to a distinguished peace-builder with a strong track record of faith-based engagement in conflict resolution, promotion of social cohesion, and sustainable peace. The prize organised and delivered by the Khalili Foundation in partnership with the Commonwealth Secretariat, is a part of the Commonwealth Faith Festival and Faith in the Commonwealth Initiative.
23 September 2024 to 23 September 2024
(New York time GMT-4)
The 24th Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting (CFAMM) will take place on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, on 23 September 2024 from 10:00 AM-1:00 PM New York time.
Seven years ago, 18-year-old Friana Kwevira, a woman with a disability from Vanuatu, attended a coaching session organised by the Commonwealth Games Foundation. It was an experience unlike any other for Friana, who described it as the first time she felt treated like a human being.
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Behind medals: Inspiring stories of women with disabilities reveal difference opportunities can make
The Youth Development Index (YDI) is a resource for researchers, policy-makers and civil society, including young people, to track progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) associated with youth development.
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Global Youth Development Report 2020
22 April 2024 to 24 April 2024
Top civil servants across the Commonwealth will meet in London for three days to explore how technology can enhance planning and decision-making for more efficient and effective service delivery.
On 4 March 2024, the Commonwealth Secretariat Human Rights Unit, in partnership with the Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum (CDPF), convened a side event on practical pathways to strengthen access to justice for persons with disabilities during the Commonwealth Law Ministers Meeting in Zanzibar in the United Republic of Tanzania.
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Commonwealth leaders discuss ways to improve access to justice for people with disabilities
26 March 2024 to 26 March 2024
The Commonwealth Secretariat, in partnership with the Sport for Development Coalition, will host the 8th annual Commonwealth Debate on Sport and Sustainable Development on 26 March 2024.
9 February 2024 to 9 February 2024
In partnership with the Khalili Foundation, the Commonwealth Secretariat is embarking on a multi-cultural and multifaith initiative designed to enhance peace across the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, has announced the appointment of three eminent leaders as her special envoys.
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Commonwealth Secretary-General appoints three eminent women as special envoys
A global overview of the state of youth development, using the most up-to-date comparative data to offer insights and illustrate trends across a range of indicators covering the period 2010–2022.
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Global Youth Development Index Update Report 2023
School leaders across Mauritius have benefitted from an "innovative and valuable" three-day Commonwealth training programme.
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Mauritius school leaders first to benefit from innovative ‘tok-stori’ training programme
Delegates at a two-day Commonwealth conference have outlined strategies and actions to achieve true equity and inclusion for all persons with disabilities.
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Secretary-General pledges support to ‘strong and unified’ disability movement
The Commonwealth Secretariat and the Government of Seychelles hosted a series of events in Victoria this month to boost progress on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which includes the right to live independently and education without discrimination based on disability.
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Seychelles to improve lives of people with disabilities with Commonwealth assistance
3 October 2023 to 3 October 2023
High-Level Fireside Chat
Hybrid Event/Marlborough House, the Commonwealth Secretariat
Annually, the UK celebrates October as Black History Month. The main aims of Black History Month are to commemorate the achievements and contributions of Black people to British Society and the world, and to educate the public and build awareness of Black history.
Hybrid Event/Marlborough House, the Commonwealth Secretariat
Annually, the UK celebrates October as Black History Month. The main aims of Black History Month are to commemorate the achievements and contributions of Black people to British Society and the world, and to educate the public and build awareness of Black history.